Biden vs. Trump on Middle East policy


World leaders and diplomats abroad increasingly believe President Joe Biden's stance in the Gaza war is boosting former President Donald Trump's chances of reclaiming the White House, Politico reported.

Trump's "Make America Great Again" focus, plus his demand that NATO allies pay their fair share, causes many international leaders to prefer that Biden get reelected.

However, the president's refusal to break fully from Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel's approach to the war against Hamas' terrorists has created the thinking that Biden will lose to Trump.

"Some are starting now to question whether the United States is willing to take some decisive leadership," said former State Department official Heather Conley, current president of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, Politico reported Thursday.

Thoughts that Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, could win in the general election were supported Wednesday when The Economist released a forecast that shows the former president with a roughly 2-in-3 chance of returning to the White House.

Biden, meanwhile, currently only has about a 1-in-3 chance to win reelection, according to The Economist.

"The level of concern is something between panic and terror," former Obama State Department official Jeremy Shapiro said of foreign thinking that Trump could win, Politico reported. "The alliance is too important for these countries right now."

Recent polls have shown that many voters, especially young voters and minorities, say they disapprove of Biden's handling of the Gaza war.


I frankly do not understand why anyone would support the Hamas mass murder of Jews.  Isrel's response to that event appears appropriate to me.  Gaza was attacked because Hamas and its supporters were supporting the genocide of Israeli Jews.  

The destruction of Hamas is an appropriate response to that.  It is no different to the destruction of the Nazis in World War II.  The US and its allies' policy in that war was not different from that of Israel.   It should be noted that not all Palestinians support Hamas and Israel is not making war against all Palestinians.


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