Biden is trying to double the price of turning on the lights

 Washington Times:

The Biden administration, which banned incandescent light bulbs last year, is now targeting LED bulbs to promote “a significant leap” in energy efficiency, but such a prohibition would nearly double the price of bulbs and eliminate consumers’ lighting choices.

Half of U.S. households use bulbs with LEDs, or light-emitting diodes. The number of households relying on LED lighting is projected to increase now that the Biden administration has banned incandescent bulbs and is phasing out the pigtailed compact fluorescent light bulbs, which cost less than LEDs but contain mercury.

The Department of Energy is trying to squeeze more energy savings out of the remaining bulbs on the market by imposing standards that industry experts say will be tough to meet.


This seems unnecessary.   Let the market decide what bulbs are used.  Consumers make rational decisions about what bulbs to buy without the intervention of the government.


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