51 intelligence officials who got it wrong


In the days since Hunter Biden's laptop was entered into evidence in his Delaware gun trial, Republican lawmakers have called out the 51 intelligence officials who originally cast doubt on its authenticity before the 2020 election.

"I think there needs to be an investigation into every single one of them," Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Fla., told the Daily Mail during congressional baseball practice. "We know that the intel community never operates in absolutes, and the fact that we had 51 come forward and try to put forward a narrative that this was disinformation, misinformation, when everyone knew full well that it wasn't — that it was very real — that speaks volumes about the politicization and the weaponization of the DOJ [Department of Justice] and the IC [intelligence community]."

Cammack also said their security clearances need to be revoked.

Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., echoed his fellow Floridian, saying the 51 intel officers who originally deemed the laptop "Russian disinformation" should face consequences.

"100%, absolutely there should be repercussions for that," Steube told the Mail.

"That's what the American people are frustrated and tired about, is they see all of these people doing all these horrible things, using the deep state to go after Trump and Russia-gate and Russia collusion," he said. "It was all a lie.

"And none of these people have been held accountable," he continued. "So, if any of them are still working in government, they should all lose their jobs and then be sued if there's some type of cause that you can go after them for.

Their judgment should definitely be challenged.  I suspect they were just being partisan.


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