
Showing posts from June, 2024

Iran's nuclear ambitions

Mark Toth and Jonathan Sweet: Some things never change: The Biden administration continues to dangerously miscalculate in the Middle East — as the White House stumbles further into the armageddon trap that Tehran is laying in Gaza and Lebanon. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is hell-bent on achieving nuclear breakout , and is doing so by playing President Biden. Tehran “is moving toward completion of a brand-new nuclear facility 100 meters below ground, where it could enrich uranium to weapons-grade with immunity from US airstrikes,” Andrea Stricker of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies reported last week . The new uranium-enrichment facility, located near Iran’s existing Natanz nuclear complex, is believed to be “impervious to even the largest US bunker-buster bombs, which can reach depths of at least 60 meters,” Stricker wrote. Khamenei knows he is holding a losing hand strategically. Israel proved that on April 18, when the IDF pulled off an undetected strike on

Are sex change operations on children 'gender affirming'

 Red State: Biden's Justice Department Goes After Whistleblowers to Protect Illegal Texas 'Gender Affirming' Clinic null I think calling sex change operations "gender-affirming" is Orwellian doublespeak.  The thing they are affirming is sexual dysphoria. See also: Biden Justice Department targets political opponents again

The Chicoms and the drug cartels

  American Action News: Sinaloa Cartel members and Chinese underground bankers were arrested in a plot to launder drug money in the U.S., the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Tuesday. The DOJ unsealed a multi-year investigation Monday, ‘Operation Fortune Runner’, that concluded with superseding indictments of 24 defendants associated with the scheme on April 4. They said 20 of the individuals associated with the scheme are scheduled to be arraigned in the US District Court of Los Angeles “in the coming weeks,” according to a press release . The scheme involved Chinese underground bankers laundering money so funds could be repatriated back to Mexico. The Chinese bankers created a market for US currency to launder drug money by offering Chinese nationals a method of getting around the $50,000 limit for capital flight out of China. “Drug traffickers increasingly have partnered with Chinese underground money exchanges to take advantage of the large demand for U.S. dollars from Chine

China's Potemkin military

  Joe Cunningham: ... Recently, Xi was embarrassed to find that missiles were  filled with water rather than fuel , with officials pocketing the money meant to make the missiles fly. US intelligence indicates that President Xi Jinping’s sweeping military purge came after it emerged that widespread corruption undermined his efforts to modernize the armed forces and raised questions about China’s ability to fight a war, according to people familiar with the assessments. The corruption inside China’s Rocket Force and throughout the nation’s defense industrial base is so extensive that US officials now believe Xi is less likely to contemplate major military action in the coming years than would otherwise have been the case, according to the people, who asked not to be named discussing intelligence. The rapid growth of China's military appears to have led to plenty of self-interested bureaucrats taking advantage and enriching themselves. Along with the water-filled missiles, there are a

US to increase use of nuclear energy

  Reuters: The U.S. Senate on Tuesday passed a bill to accelerate the deployment of nuclear energy capacity, including by speeding permitting and creating new incentives for advanced nuclear reactor technologies. Expanding nuclear power has broad bipartisan support, with Democrats seeing it as critical to decarbonizing the power sector to fight climate change and Republicans viewing it as a way to ensure reliable electricity supply and create jobs. A version of the bill had already passed in the House of Representatives and it will now go to President Joe Biden for a signature to become law. It passed the Senate 88-2 votes, opens new tab . “In a major victory for our climate and American energy security, the U.S. Senate has passed the ADVANCE Act with overwhelming, bipartisan support,” said Senator Tom Carper, a Democrat, who is Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. ... I do not have a problem with this legislation although I do not agree that fossil fuels are

A display of Biden troubles

This does not sound like a man with all his faculties. It appears to show a man who is struggling with his ability to speak about his job. See also: With his colossal border failure, Biden has engineered Trump’s amazing comeback

Biden inflation taking a toll on many Americans

 Headline USA: Number of Americans Struggling Because of Higher Prices Grows 'The overwhelming narrative is that a large segment of the American public feels it is financially behind the eight ball...' It is hard to ignore that the price of food and fuel has gone up significantly.  It is what happened when Biden engaged in reckless spending after taking office and even though inflation has slowed somewhat we are still feeling the effects of his early spending binge.  See also: House GOP leadership-aligned group launches $12M ad buy on cost of living

The ban on bump stock weapons challenged

  Federalist Wire: ... In a recent move that has raised eyebrows and frustrated many, NBC has attempted to link a Supreme Court ruling on bump stocks to mass shootings. The Supreme Court’s decision to hear cases challenging the federal ban on bump stocks has reignited debate over gun control, but NBC’s breathless reporting has been criticized for its lack of evidence tying bump stocks to recent mass shootings. The Supreme Court agreed to hear cases that challenge the federal government’s ban on bump stocks, devices that allow semi-automatic rifles to fire more rapidly. This ban was implemented by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) following the tragic 2017 Las Vegas shooting, where the shooter used bump stocks to kill 58 people. However, since that incident, there has been no significant evidence linking bump stocks to other mass shootings. NBC’s report seemed intent on sensationalizing the issue by drawing connections between the Supreme Court’s decision an

Voter fraud in Texas election

   Townhall: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Saturday pointed to the election results in a Houston-area judicial race as evidence that “voter fraud is real.” Last month, Judge David Peeples ordered a redo of the 2022 180th District Court election after more than 1,400 votes were determined to be invalid because voters lived outside the county, did not show a valid form of identification, or did not include the required signature, among other issues. The Democratic candidate, Judge DaSean Jones, narrowly defeated Republican Tami Pierce by 449 votes in 2022. According to The Hill, Jones, who was first elected in 2018, has held the seat since then, and is now running for a seat on the Texas Supreme Court. ... ... This time those casting illegal votes were cast.  It is evidence that more vigilance is required in stopping the practice. 

Biden puts Ukraine spending ahead of a pay raise for US troops

  DC Daily Journal: ... Most recently, the Biden administration decided that they wouldn’t be giving any pay increases to keep up with inflation for junior members of the U.S. military, citing the inability of the U.S. to afford it. Meanwhile, the Biden administration continues to send billions of dollars to Ukraine to fight a proxy war that has been waged for two years now. ... ... Biden has been a reckless spender from day one with the exception of the troops who have been hurt by the inflation that Biden induced. 

Dems learn their EV policy unpopular with voters

  Washington Post: Just two years ago, Senate Democrats banded together to push through sweeping legislation aimed at combating climate change in part by speeding the transition to electric vehicles with tax credits and other incentives. But now, facing a tough reelection climate in November, some Senate Democrats who are fighting for their political lives in red states are distancing themselves from aspects of President Biden’s EV policies as Republicans go on offense against Biden’s environmental agenda. Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has made bashing EVs a cornerstone of his campaign, effectively turning them into culture war fodder in an election year. Meanwhile, a fossil fuel industry group is pouring millions of dollars in ads in swing states tying Democratic senators to Biden’s EV push. Trump has vowed to roll back Biden’s electric vehicle efforts and warned “you’re not going to be able to sell those cars” if he becomes president. Biden required automakers to

Another Biden pander to illegals

 Newsmax: Biden's Spouse Plan Gives 550,000 a Path to Citizenship null Biden seems more concerned with non-citizens than citizens. 

CNN accused of debate rules to help Biden

  DC Daily Journal: Former CNN political analyst Chris Cillizza has expressed concerns about CNN’s rules for the upcoming presidential debate, suggesting they predominantly favor President Joe Biden over former President Donald Trump. On Saturday, CNN finalized the format for the 90-minute debate, scheduled for June 27 in Atlanta and hosted by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. The rules include muting microphones and not allowing a live studio audience. In a video shared on his YouTube channel, Cillizza analyzed these rules, asserting that three out of four primarily benefit Biden. Cillizza began by discussing the rule on muting microphones, stating it clearly favors Biden. Although CNN has not specified whether Tapper and Bash will control the muting, the network has mentioned that moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure civilized discussion.” “I don’t love it from a debate perspective, but from a who does this benefit perspective, it clearly benefits Bi

Gov. Abbott challenges Biden's illegal mass amnesty

  Post See new posts Conversation Gov. Greg Abbott @GovAbbott President Biden’s mass amnesty is blatantly illegal. His proposal will be stricken down by the courts for a simple reason: it is Congress, NOT the President, that has the authority to make or change immigration laws. Read my full statement here: https:// 3:53 PM · Jun 18, 2024 · 20.1K Views 338 Reposts 20 Quotes 970 Likes 21 Bookmarks See also: Sen. Tom Cotton: Biden's Amnesty Plan Illegal