What happened to the Democrats'?

 Mark C. Ross:


... the Democrats appear to have gone off their meds.  The agenda propelling the radical progressives is making much of the nation reach for the Maalox.  "Defund the Police."  Really?  Reparations for the descendants of slaves freed over 150 years ago, long before the ancestors of many Americans ever got here?  Increased government spending will reduce inflation?  I could go on and on.

The radical progs may have a screwball agenda, but they are at least militant.  They show up.  And vacuous hacks such as Biden are under their thumb.


Meanwhile, as disastrous polling data mount up, the Dems keep doubling down on obnoxious advocacies.  Why?  Both ideology and reliance on corrupt supportive news media have given them a false sense of immortality.  Just now, Robert B. Reich penned an article in the Guardian attempting to explain, in the most optimistic tones, Biden's and Harris's apparent collapse in public opinion — in which he engages in, for an "economist" egregious prevarication.  He points to a significant bump in retail sales as evidence of the administration's success.  Even the "in the tank" news media have already admitted that most, if not all, gains in retail sales are due to price inflation.


They seem to be doubling down on being wacko.  They also appear to be at war with normal people.  As the Rittenhouse case demonstrates they seem to support criminals and oppose the right of self-defense against those criminals.

See, also:

Poll: Majority Say Democrats’ Build Back Better Act ‘Hurtful’ to Economic Recovery


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