Democrats' screw-up hard to ignore


The Democratic brand is broken. The infrastructure bill isn’t fixing it. 
In one recent focus group, even those who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 weren’t exactly sure what the party stands for.

Here is a clue for them.  They stand for irresponsible spending and galloping inflation.  Inflation is a tax on the middle class and the poor that cannot be cured with more ridiculous spending. 

See, also:

Dance With the Guy Who Brung Ya: Democrat Freak-out Begins Over 2022

 You can see it in their eyes. Hear it in their voices. The fear. The panic. The anger. That feeling you get when you do something really stupid, it’s too late to fix it, and you know what’s coming. Democrats on Capitol Hill, in the lapdog liberal media, and across America are bracing themselves for a good old-fashioned a**-kicking come the 2022 midterm elections. And worried silly, they should be.


It is well deserved.  They nominated and elected Biden and they went with a Bernie Sanders spending program that is destroying the US economy.  I can't wait to vote against every Democrat on the ballot and so are many other Americans.


Republicans Positioned for Blowout Win in 2022 Midterms 
“House Democrats’ retirement crisis is quickly becoming a five alarm emergency”


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