CRT whistleblower at school put on leave

 Fox News:

An Indianapolis school administrator who went viral for explaining how his district is pushing Critical Race Theory on children has been locked out of his email and Google Drive accounts and been told to work from home because he was causing other staff members "anxiety."

"As of one hour ago, Indianapolis Public Schools has suspended my access to email & Google Drive," Indianapolis district science coordinator, instructional coach, and administrator Tony Kinnett posted on Twitter along with a screenshot.

"I've been required to work from home the last two weeks, as staff reportedly have 'clinical anxiety' over working with me," Kinnett added. "When I came to get books from my office, phone calls were made to each team member so they'd be clear of the building."

Who is running this racist madhouse and why are they upset that their racist "anti-racism" curriculum was exposed?   There appears to be a determined effort to bitterly cling to CRT despite its obvious problems.


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