The idiocy of the DEI proponents

 Daily Wire:

The vice chancellor for equity, diversity, and inclusion at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) claimed in a campus email that the verdict in the Rittenhouse trial conveyed a message that “Neither Black lives nor those of their allies’ matter.”

Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted last week of felony charges stemming from a riot in August last year in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during which he fatally shot two men and wounded a third in self-defense. Rittenhouse said he was at the riot to protect local businesses from rioters as well as administer first aid to those who needed it.

The race-obsessed DEI movement thinks everything is about race and ignores reality.  In the Rittenhouse case, the alleged BLM "allies" were criminals engaged in an assault.  Other BLM "allies were looting and committing arson against businesses in the city.  Just because BLM was throwing a mass tantrum after a criminal resisting arrest got shot does not give them a right to assault those trying to protect the businesses.  

Reasonable adults do not support rioters.


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