Media censorship help get Biden elected

 Miranda Devine:

The president’s plummeting popularity, especially among independents, reflects a growing realization among voters that Joe Biden is not the man they thought they had voted for.

There’s a good reason for their disenchantment. They were denied the normal due diligence the media is supposed to conduct on presidential candidates.

It’s been more than a year since The Post published the first of a series of damning stories about then-candidate Biden, based on material on his son Hunter’s abandoned laptop.

It’s been more than a year since Facebook and Twitter colluded with Democrat-friendly media to censor a story that reflected badly on their preferred candidate less than three weeks before the 2020 election.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey blithely admitted after the election that locking The Post’s account for two weeks on the basis of a non-existent “hacking” offense was a “mistake.”

Facebook has never revealed the results of the “fact-check” it used as a pretext for blocking The Post. It likely never occurred because Facebook never contacted key recipients of emails we published from the laptop.

But the damage was done. The coordinated censorship of America’s oldest newspaper — with more than 80 million readers online alone — amounted to election interference.

If the full story of the Bidens’ international influence-peddling scheme had been told before the election, polls indicate it may have affected the result. Almost 50 percent of Biden voters knew nothing about Hunter’s laptop scandal, according to polling conducted after the election by the Media Research Center, and almost 10 percent said they would not have voted for Biden had they known.

With fewer than 45,000 votes in three states deciding the outcome, it’s not unreasonable to suggest that suppression of The Post’s stories won Biden the election and denied voters the truth about his character.

Tech geeks appear to be seriously misleading the public with their wholly unwarranted censorship of information about the Biden family corruption and the monetizing of Biden's office.  Censorship became one of the most damaging misinformation campaigns in American history.

See, also:

The Biden Grift-and-Influence Machine Is Even Worse Than You Thought


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