Biden's war on American energy


President Joe Biden's call to release 50 million barrels of crude oil from the nation's strategic reserves may be, on balance, a good idea, but it doesn't solve anything or change the fact that he's "declared war on American energy," Stephen Moore, a former senior economic adviser under President Donald Trump, said on Newsmax Wednesday.

"He does not want to produce oil and gas and coal in this country," Moore said on Newsmax's "American Agenda."

"That's where we get 80% of our energy and so he is wrong when he says that his policies have not contributed to higher gas prices."

Moore, who called Biden's plan a "band-aid," further pointed out that the United States' oil production is down 2 million barrels a day from where it should be and from where it was at its peak when Trump was in office.

"We killed the Keystone XL pipeline," said Moore. "There are two major pipelines in the Midwest that are necessary to get home heating fuel into people's homes. I'm really worried about this winter … I'm from Chicago. It gets to 10 degrees below zero at night. You know you need your home heating, and there are real questions about whether we'll have a reliable supply for people to keep warm in the winter."

Meanwhile, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm was not able this week to answer a reporter's questions concerning how many barrels of oil the United States consumes daily, and Moore said that is a concern.

"[She] knows about as much on energy as Pete Buttigieg knows about transportation," said Moore. "Biden has a lot of incompetent people in positions of major influence on our economy, and I just mentioned two of them. Yes, she should know that number."

The United States, he added, is now producing 11 million barrels of oil a day, when it should be at about 13 million barrels.

"At the price of $80 a barrel, that's about $160 million we're losing every day in terms of U.S. economic output," said Moore. "That's $50 billion a year we're losing, so these are policies that are hurting American families."

If alternative energy really worked as a replacement for fossil fuels, Biden would not need to try to kill off the fossil fuel business.  He is doing this because the alternatives are crappy and unreliable.  If there was a better alternative we would all be using it.  While nuclear energy has been a safe and reliable source for producing electricity, Democrats do not like it because they think dealing with the spent fuel is scary.  

See, also:

Biden to Increase U.S. Oil Lease Fees 50% While Accusing ‘Big Oil’ of Anticompetitive Activities

 This is another example of greedy government, Biden style and his own anti-competitive practices.


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