Democrats tolerance for crime leads to more crime

 PJ Media:

Is it an accident that big cities with radical Democratic mayors and radical prosecutors are suffering from the most spectacular — and worrying — streak of organized retail theft in history?

Democrats might want you to think that. They will claim that their radical policies with regard to criminal behavior have nothing to do with the lawbreaking that’s happening in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Minneapolis.

Just an unlucky coincidence, right?


The problem for these cities is that the situation won’t get any better until voters throw the radicals out. But there are so many people who think as the radical prosecutors think: the looters are justified in taking whatever they can carry because they are oppressed and victims of racism.


One of the ways Rudy Giuliana cut crime was his "broken window policy" which stopped petty crime leading to a reduction in crime in general.  Liberals made the mistake of stopping this policy.  They should bring it back.


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