The Biden health cover-up

 Miranda Devine:

President Biden went for a colonoscopy Friday and his doctor pronounced his brain is fine.

So now he and his inner sanctum have let it be known he plans to run again in 2024, when he would be 82.

No one really believes any of it.

For one thing, where is his cognitive test? That’s the question increasingly on American minds. It’s clear, from his often bizarre or befuddled behavior, that something is not quite right with the president, which is why 59 percent of voters want him to take a cognitive test and release the results, according to a new McLaughlin & Associates survey published in the Washington Examiner.

But the six-page letter released by the White House Friday night, revealing the results of his first official physical, omitted any reference to Biden’s cognitive faculties.

Gait disorders, particularly stiffer, shortened, more asymmetric strides, such as we see with Biden, often are linked to dementia, which is why Dr. Marc Siegel, a clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, told Fox News he is concerned O’Connor’s report left out crucial information.

“I don’t like that they ascribe his gait issues to a broken foot . . . This is not a fully characterized neurological assessment of somebody with a gait problem, and I want to know why.”

Siegel says other tests needed to be done “to rule out things that . . . can be associated with cognitive changes like mental status, like dementia.”

For the 85 minutes that he was under anaesthesia, Vice President Kamala Harris assumed the powers of the commander in chief, but if voters have anything to do with it, it’s the closest she’ll come to the top job.

Most of these cognitive problems were there during the campaign and this is why they kept him mostly in the basement and used Covid as an excuse While Trump was having huge outdoor rallies which, despite media stories, were not super spreader events.  Democrats did this to the country and should suffer the consequences in future elections.


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