Polling suggests broad resistance to Biden spending spree

 Washington Examiner:


The November dataset from I&I/TIPP found that 84% of respondents think that "over the next year prices for gasoline, food, and other household products" would continue to increase. Additionally, nearly half of all respondents, 48%, expected prices in 2022 to be "much higher" than the current levels.

Furthermore, a poll published Monday from Politico and Morning Consult showed that 43% of respondents believed the budget reconciliation proposal will specifically increase inflation, compared to just 26% who believe it will slow or reverse the inflationary run. The proposals themselves remain largely popular, with 49% saying they supported the bill in its current form.


Biden also seems blind to the effect of restricting the supply of a product has on increased prices.  In the energy sector, inflation is driven by this restriction on supply and not necessarily by the cost of operations.  He also seems blind to the impact of a federal spending spree has on inflation.


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