Don't woke my Marine Corps

 Red States:

Wokeness in the military has been pervasive for years now, going back to the early years of Donald Trump’s time in office. That first seemed to manifest itself in the battle over transgender troops and using taxpayer money to pay for them to “transition.” Since then, things have broadened out to prioritizing “diversity,” including recruitment ads featuring LGBT pride parades and the inclusion of critical race theory.

But while the Army, Navy, and Air Force seemed to readily embrace such ideology, the Marine Corps had been largely resistant…until now. According to Gen. David Berger, a big overhaul is coming to focus on diversity so the corps can “reflect the society we come from.” You know, because what’s truly important when the bullets start flying is that racial and gender quotas were filled.


The Marine Corps, the smallest U.S. military force, has plans for a big overhaul designed to address its lack of diversity and problem with retaining troops.

The goal that’s driving what amounts to a cultural shift within the service, is for the Marines “to reflect America, to reflect the society we come from,” Gen. David Berger, commandant of the Marine Corps, said in an interview with NPR’s Morning Edition.

It’s not a matter of being politically correct or “woke,” he said.

Except, that’s exactly what it’s a matter of. There is no logical reason to make diversity a priority when recruiting for the military. I’ll get into that further in a moment, but first, Berger also had this to say.

The core of America’s strength lies in its diversity, Berger said, adding that the same is true for the military.


While I have no brief against natural diversity as a result of merit, selecting people on the basis of ethnicity or gender is absurd.  The Marines are made up of volunteers and during the Vietnam war, they were not drafting troops.  You had to want to be a Marine to be one.  

During Officer Candidate School there were a cross-section of men from colleges across the country and a few "mustangs" who had come up through the ranks.  OCS was a screening process.  It did not matter whether your went to Yale or Ohio State or the Univesity of Texas you had to make the cut and some did not.  It should remain an institution where people are selected on the basis of merit.

BTW, Winsom Sears and her husband are good examples of how people with various backgrounds can excel in the Marine Corps.  They did not succeed because of their "diversity."  They did it on their own merit.

Ditch the CRT crap.  


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