Blue states lag in job creation


Hopes to restore U.S. employment to its pre-pandemic level, an aim of the Federal Reserve and the Biden administration, now rest on a recovery of jobs in New England and California, a potentially troubling fact for the president's Democratic Party ahead of critical midterm elections and as the Fed plots a possible turn to tighter monetary policy.

Data released on Friday show that through October employment in states with Republican governors was close to 99 percent of what it was in February of 2020, while Democratic-led states lagged, at roughly 96 percent.

While state-level estimates can be volatile, particularly month to month, the apparently larger remaining job shortfall in Democratic-leaning areas echoes the choices—and political divisions—that emerged early in the pandemic. States in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic tended to impose stricter measures against the coronavirus and keep them in place longer, than Republican-led states in the South and West.

Employment fell more sharply in those areas, and the gap has remained even late in the recovery.

Democrats tend to be control freaks and Covid gave them an excuse to exercise unwarrante3d limitations on certain sectors of the economy that still have not recovered from their actions. 


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