Biden's hostage crisis

 The Lid:

When we wondered how a President could ever deliver worse foreign AND domestic policy than Jimmy Carter, we never dreamt that someone would be dumb enough to take that as a challenge. Then again, we never dreamt the Democrats would nominate someone known during his Senate career as a blowhard who wasn’t too bright. Some of his senate colleagues described him as fifteen pounds of crap in a ten-pound bag.

Now, not even a year into his Presidency, Biden’s America faces its second hostage crisis.

You Know About ONE Crisis…

As for the first one, most of the media has already swept it under the rug. But we all still know that some Americans, the families of some Americans, and people with every right to enter America lawfully with a Green Card were trapped in a country being run by the same terrorist group with whom we’ve just concluded a 20-year war.

When heroic Americans have worked to exfiltrate them to neighboring countries, Biden’s State Department has worked at cross purposes from helping them land in other countries.

They demonstrated their open contempt for all types of border security, whether at our southern border or that  Afghan airlift they bragged about in August.

But Have You Heard About THIS One?

Iran-backed Houthi terrorists attacked a US Embassy, taking control and seizing hostages. A specific reversal of policy in Biden’s first month worked to the advantage of those rebels.

While we may not have any Americans working in that embassy at the moment, we DO have locals working on behalf of American interests. They have been attacked, our property seized, and our embassy was taken.


Joe Biden is setting a new standard for serial incompetence.  If there is a wrong decision to be made he will do it.


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