Voters should decide that Democrats are guilty of election interference

Headline USA:

 Trump: Voters Will Decide Guilt or Innocence in November

'Everyone knows what happened here. We didn't do a thing wrong. I'm a very innocent man. It's OK. I'm fighting for our country. I'm fighting for our Constitution....'

Democrats have become a disgrace to democracy in this country.  Their bogus attempt to criminalize their chief political opponent will live in infamy.  Trump is already showing increased support from black voters in this country.

See also:

Trump Attorney Hints At Possibility Of Suing Alvin Bragg For ‘Malicious Prosecution’

I don't think Bragg had much of a case to begin with and the Judge in the case appears hostile to Trump which suggests he did not get a fair trial. 


Trump After Guilty Verdict: 'This Is Long From Over'null


 Hill GOP blasts ‘travesty’ Trump verdict — and vows it will motivate party base in Novembernull

Underscoring the link between their fury over his conviction and their Election Day hopes, some Republicans posted a Trump fundraising link alongside their statements of support.


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