Trump has 8 point lead with Independents


Former President Donald Trump early Thursday touted the results of a new NPR/PBSNewsHour/Marist poll showing him ahead of President Joe Biden by 8 percentage points among independents.

"54 to 42," Trump said outside the Manhattan courtroom where jurors are to reconvene for deliberations in his business records trial. "That's among independents. That's the best we've ever done, the poll says, among independents."

According the poll, Biden and Trump are in a statistical tie — with 50% for Biden and 48% for Trump lying within the margin of error — but Trump pulled out the lead of 54%-42% over Biden among independents.

It is hard to imagine why any independent thinker would support Biden.  The results of his presidentcy have been high inflation and wars popping up in Europe and the Middle East leading to the US throwing Billions in support of those wars. 

See also:

Dick Morris: Trump Will Still Win


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