The Democrat attempts to rig the Supreme Court

 Clarice Feldman:


There are so many hoist by their own petard this week, I’m faced with an embarrassment of riches. Let’s start with the attack on Justice Samuel Alito. The Left simply cannot abide the fact that it doesn’t control all branches of the government, and threatens to pack the court and, barring that, disparages and tries to force the recusal of justices Clarence Thomas and Alito from the presidential immunity case, if not their removal from the court altogether.

They promote one pretext after another. Someone -- maybe a dummy or a prankster determined to expose them as idiots -- reported that once the American flag at Alito’s home in Virginia briefly was flown upside down. In the fevered world of the Left, this represented Justice Alito’s support of the January 6 “Insurrection.”

For people with any military or historical background, an upside-down flag is a distress symbol, and Alito responded that it was his wife’s response to some incivility by neighbors. Not satisfied with this first, not terribly successful, smear of the justice, a second flag, a pine tree with the words “An appeal to God” flown at the family’s vacation home, became the get-Alito rallying point.

The usual media mob, and even the once sane Bill Kristol (who years before had endorsed Alito for the court) argued this was further evidence of disqualifying bias by Alito because one person on January 6 waved such a flag. In fact, the flag is an historic one. It was created during the Revolutionary War and was used by George Washington’s troops. It has been seen flying over the office of the San Francisco government and remains the official naval and maritime flag of Massachusetts. Anyone and any media outlet which reported that these flags were controversial or provocative chiseled away any remaining credibility he or it still had. (On any day anything may be “proof” of wrongthink. Remember when it was the AOK sign?)

The desperate Dems appear to be "flagging" when it comes to their attacks on the conservative justices on the court.   

See also:

Sheldon Whitehouse Threatens the Supreme Court, Gets Reality Checked Into the Ground


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