Biden border crisis impact

 DC Daily Journal: 


And there’s a stunning rise in Border Patrol agents deaths and the reason why has people horrified.

The border crisis under the Biden administration has had far-reaching effects, particularly on the mental health of those tasked with managing the chaos.

Reports have recently surfaced highlighting a disturbing rise in suicide rates among Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents, painting a grim picture of the toll that the ongoing border situation is taking on these frontline workers.

According to the New York Post, 14 suicides were reported among CBP’s 25,000 agents in 2022.

This figure is particularly alarming considering that in 2019, the year before President Joe Biden took office, less than half that number took their own lives.

The stark increase suggests that the overwhelming conditions at the southern border are pushing many agents to their breaking point.

CBP agents are regularly exposed to horrific scenes and hear tragic stories from those attempting to cross the border illegally.

One agent, speaking to the Free Press, described the grueling realities they face on a daily basis. “We regularly see things that people should never see, like rotting human remains, abuse of every kind, babies and kids dying or dead,” the agent recounted.

“Do you know what that does to you over time? You have to shut down a part of yourself to keep going.”

Another agent shared a harrowing story of a 13-year-old girl from El Salvador who confided in him about being r*ped twice by her smuggler, who threatened to harm her 9-year-old brother if she did not comply.

Such traumatic experiences are not uncommon, contributing significantly to the emotional and psychological strain on border agents.

Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, emphasized the deep sense of disillusionment among agents.

Many feel overwhelmed by the unrelenting flow of illegal immigrants into the country and frustrated by what they see as a lack of meaningful progress in securing the border.

Biden's irresponsible border policy is having a direct impact on those charged with controlling the Border, not to mention the migrants who are responding to the open borders and dying in the process. Voters should reject the policies of Biden and the Democrats in Congress. 


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