Trump gaining support from minorities


My favourite fact about Donald Trump is that he has actually made the Republicans a more – to use that cringeworthy phrase – ‘diverse’ party. Yes, the man accused of being the most ‘racist’, ‘xenophobic’ politician ever to lead the free world has been steadily gaining support among black and brown Americans.

The numbers don’t lie. ‘Trump’s shares of the nationwide black, Hispanic and Asian vote in 2016 were two, two and three points greater, respectively, than Mitt Romney’s in 2012’, notes the Wall Street Journal. ‘Even as he lost in 2020, Mr Trump improved on his own performance among these segments by four, three and five points, respectively.’

Yes, Democrats retained an overwhelming majority of black voters and a solid majority of Hispanics at the last presidential election, but the trend is undeniable, and perhaps even accelerating. The latest set of New York Times / Siena polls shows Trump and Biden tied among Hispanics and Trump claiming a striking 20 per cent of black voters. If replicated in November, the latter stat would represent the highest level of black support for any Republican presidential hopeful since the passing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964.

This is something Trump can legitimately take some credit for. As David Shor, a top Democratic consultant and data wonk, points out: ‘Racial [political] polarisation had been steadily increasing from 1992 up until 2016; 2016 is when it reversed course, and a lot of people thought that was an aberration. But [the 2018 Midterms] and 2020 show it’s not. It is very strange, in some ways, that Donald Trump kicked off an era of racial depolarisation.’

The Democrats’ growing problem with non-white voters is intertwined with its allergy to the working class in general. Indeed, media outlets are already fretting that Biden’s poor showing among blue-collar black and Hispanic voters could upend his chances in November. Only now are Democratic eggheads beginning to work out that the economic interests and cultural outlook of a Latino construction worker and white construction worker really aren’t all that different. They are both outraged by gender ideology, illegal immigration and Biden’s programme of green economic self-harm. Go figure!

The Democrats look every bit the party of a crumbling regime, clinging on to a system that serves them and their allies and no one else. According to those New York Times / Siena polls, almost 70 per cent of voters say America’s political and economic systems need either radical change or tearing down entirely. This has further corroded Democratic support among ethnic minorities. As well as among the young. Remarkably, Trump is currently neck-and-neck with Biden among 18- to 29-year-olds – another faction of the coalition of the ascendant that appears to be on the verge of defecting. ‘Even many of those who dislike Mr Trump grudgingly acknowledge that he would shake up an unsatisfying status quo’, notes analyst Nate Cohn.

One of the big lies the Democrats have been telling themselves and their voters is that Trump is racist.  It is something they have gotten used to telling their voters to make them fear Trump.  It should be clear from the Trump presidency that it was not the case, yet Democrats persist in pushing the lie.  Democrats take this tack instead of focusing on the real issues.  They deserve to lose by pushing an obvious lie. 


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