Biden's foreign policy ineptitude

  Athena Thorne:

In entirely predictable developments, the Biden administration's projection of weakness, indecisiveness, and moral collapse has led to instability and strife all across the globe.

Was it only less than four years ago that President Trump oversaw the historic Abraham Accords? That Israel signed recognition and normalization agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in an unprecedented swing towards peace in the modern Middle East? Ah, those were the days.

Now, war rages as Israel hunts down the Hamas barbarians that attacked civilians last fall. The Biden administration is worse than leaderless; it's actively taking positions that will prolong the conflict. For Israel's sake, thank God that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu still knows how to win a war: by crushing the enemy. It's not pretty, but in this situation, it's the best chance at re-establishing longer-lasting peace and stability.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration busies itself by lending support to Hamas — by giving aid to Gaza that will go directly to the terrorists — and looking foolish in the process. The pier that the U.S. military hurriedly built (to the tune of $320 million) has been destroyed by heavy seas less than two weeks after it opened.

The inept Biden administration, along with its NATO allies, is also prolonging the tragic war in Ukraine by continuing to provide just enough equipment and support to keep the invaded country in the fight. The truth is that much larger Russia is slowly but surely grinding Ukraine down, holding onto its gains, and beginning to advance again. Not only that, but Russia itself is doing quite well, thank you very much. Despite Biden's much-ballyhooed sanctions, Russia's economy is set to outpace the United States and all other "advanced economies" this year, according to an IMF projection.

Russia is now holding out offers of peace negotiations, demanding it gets to keep all the territory it now holds in Ukraine. Ukraine has heretofore refused to settle for less than the return of all Russian-occupied land including Crimea, though the invaded country doesn't have much to bargain with at this point. Biden's failure to lead and produce a resolution to this bloody war is inexcusable and has cost half a million lives at this point.

Much of this happened after Biden's Afghan bug-out turned that country over to the Taliban.  After seeing that America's enemies took advantage causing turmoil in the Middle East and Europe. 

See also:

The U.S. military is scrambling after Biden was forced to make this sudden move


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