Soros back prosecutors are losing elections

 American Action News:

Soros Empire’s Grip On American Legal System Might Just Be Loosening

Prosecutors across the country who have received financial backing from political action committees funded by George Soros are losing elections and facing recalls as crime continues to plague America’s cities.

In just the past few months, the district attorney overseeing Portland lost his reelection bid, while Los Angeles’ district attorney faces long reelection odds. These prosecutors received campaign cash from Soros-backed political action committees, with their troubles building on a pattern experienced by Soros-backed prosecutors across the country.

Voters have, in recent years, rejected Soros-backed district attorneys in Loudoun County, Virginia, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and San Francisco. St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner resigned in 2023 rather than be removed by Missouri’s attorney general.

They are losing elections because citizens in their area feel less safe because of the softer-on-crime policies of the Soros-backed DAs. 


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