How team Biden allegedly used Big Tech to censor

Jeff Landry:

The First Amendment is the bedrock of American liberty. Our citizens have the right, if not civic duty, to engage in open, dynamic discourse, and no government has the right to limit, suppress, censor or otherwise control it.

Yet as we dig deeper into discovery in our Big Tech censorship case — Missouri and Louisiana v. Biden — we uncover ever more truly appalling abuses of power that President Biden’s director of digital strategy, Rob Flaherty, admitted come from “the highest (and I mean highest) levels of the” White House.

Such evidence proves the Biden administration is leveraging its power to coerce social media companies to suppress the speech of thousands, if not millions, of Americans who disagree with its political narratives.

Naturally, the First Amendment prohibits censorship. Yet the Biden team has worked to circumvent this fundamental constitutional protection by inducing, threatening and colluding with private companies to suppress speech. It’s illegal — but when Big Government enters into such a conspiracy with Big Business to violate your rights, it’s also known by another name: fascism.

Either way, totalitarianism cannot tolerate free thought or speech any more than a petulant Flaherty can tolerate a tech company showing even a moment’s hesitation at fulfilling Biden’s demands for increased censorship.

When Facebook didn’t answer one of his emails in a chain demanding the company take down a Tucker Carlson video, after it told him “it does not qualify for removal,” Flaherty sent a one-line followup: “These questions weren’t rhetorical.”

Both democracy and a constitutional republic require frequent and open debate to function and survive. When that exchange of ideas is silenced, we all become ignorant of the true nature of things — severely inhibiting our ability to self-govern. If we do not know what is actually happening, how can we possibly make informed decisions?

The trouble is totalitarianism requires a ruthless conformity and complete allegiance to the cause of the state without argument. That pattern of behavior, and utter contempt for our Constitution, is blatantly obvious in Flaherty’s hostile emails to Facebook, Twitter and Google.

“As we move away from a supply problem toward a demand problem,” Flaherty wrote to seven employees of YouTube parent Google in April 2021, “we remain concerned” YouTube “is ‘funneling’ people into hesitance and intensifying people’s hesitancy” about the vaccine.

“Needless to say,” he warned, “in a couple of weeks when we’re having trouble getting people to get vaccinated, we’ll be in the barrel together here.”

Flaherty knows what he’s doing is wrong: “We certainly recognize that removing content that is unfavorable to the cause of increasing vaccine adoption is not a realistic — or even good — solution.” But that never stops him or other Biden officials from coercing, conspiring and colluding with tech companies in illegal conduct.

Landry is the Louisiana Attorney General who is working with the Missouri Attorney General to unravel the Big Tech censorship case and those behind the effort.  There is evidence that the Biden regime was behind some of the censorship.  This looks like it could be another count in an impeachment indictment.

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