IRS accused of ignoring human trafficking

 Daniel Greenfield:

Last year, bills to stop funding non-profits that help illegal aliens enter this country were introduced in the House and Senate. The Stop Federal Funding for Human Trafficking and Smuggling Act and the Protecting Federal Funds from Human Trafficking and Smuggling Act have failed to make headway. Meanwhile, the problem has only gotten worse.

Such bills would not be necessary if the IRS were doing its job. Instead, the IRS, which consistently targets conservative nonprofits, has refused to address the problem.

The mass invasion of the United States of America would not be possible without a nonprofit sector that has taken in over a billion, from both the government and private donors, to subsidize the invasion, providing aid, shelter, legal support and transportation for the invaders.

There is much more  

Several different church-affiliated groups are seen as facilitating the illegal invasion of the US.  The IRS has not pulled their tax-exempt status for participating in the influx of illegals.


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