DeSantis making progress against woke Black studies agenda

 Stanley Kurtz:

Florida governor Ron DeSantis may be on the verge of a major victory in the education wars. Yesterday, the College Board — the group that runs the SAT and Advanced Placement (AP) tests — announced that a week from now, on February 1, it will release a revised framework for its pilot AP African-American Studies (APAAS) course. Just a week ago, I reported DeSantis’s determination that the current version of APAAS violates Florida’s Stop WOKE Act, which bars the promotion of critical race theory in K–12. This may set a record for the fastest revision of a College Board course ever.

Here’s the reality. The College Board is in a panic. Its repeated attempts to keep the APAAS curriculum secret have failed. That curriculum has now been widely published, and the teacher’s guide has been exposed here at NRO as well. My sources tell me that at least one other red state is seriously considering pulling out of the course. More red states are likely doing the same. The College Board knows that if it doesn’t stop the bleeding, the red states will be lost.

It is not clear that the College Board will make the substantive changes needed.  They have a history of bogus revisions when conservatives have complained in the past.  Academia is still infested with liberalism.  I suspect DeSantis will try to hold their feet to the fire on this issue.


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