The idiocy of blaming Nichols death on 'white supremacy'

 Clarice Feldman:

Riots broke out in Memphis and are rapidly spreading through the usual urban areas. The purported rationale is the horrific beating to death in Memphis of Tyre Nichols captured on video and released by the police. As Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit) observes, Nichols’ beating was administered by “Black officers in a majority Black city with a Black police chief.”

The officers involved have been criminally charged, but the media to which every Black killed by a cop is just proof that we are still in the Selma, Alabama world of decades ago -- another case of some innocent Black person victimized by racist oppressors.

The odious Joy Reid at MSNBC highlighted a guest who blames Nichols’ death on “white supremacy” and CNN’s Van Jones opined “The police who killed Tyre Nichols were Black. But they still may have been driven by racism.” 

To the contrary, I blame the death on those who actually administered the beating and the lack of rapid medical treatment, but people like Reid and Jones who refuse to acknowledge the murderous consequences of a savage urban Black culture which time and again ends on tragedy and who stir up absurdly conjured racism are also at fault.


A study by Harvard economists showed that when police who were accused of racism, pulled back from protective policing in six cities “there were almost 900 excess homicides and almost 34,000 excess felonies.”


It is really not that hard to avoid getting killed by the cops.  Do what they tell you to do, go with them when arrested, and get a lawyer appointed to defend you in court.  It has zero to do with white supremacy.  Cops making arrests in black neighborhoods are there to protect the blacks who live there. 


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