Getting control of government debt

 Newt Gingrich:

Here's how Republicans win the debt ceiling debate. Yes, it's possible

The truth is that most Americans would support a debt limit increase if rational spending cuts went along with it


Republicans are for a responsible debt ceiling increase – and oppose an irresponsible debt ceiling increase. Passing another debt ceiling increase with no modifications to the current unsustainable spending and projected deficits would clearly be an example of an irresponsible debt ceiling increase.


The Congressional Budget Office projects current spending would add $15.74 trillion to the deficit from now to 2032. So, it’s clear the current spending model that Democrats have created is totally irresponsible. As CBO has warned since last decade, "the current trajectory of federal borrowing is unsustainable and could lead to slower economic growth in the long run as debt rises as a percentage of GDP."

It is not unreasonable to demand rational cuts to spending. Even the Democrats know that in a nearly $6 trillion budget there are many items which can be cut without serious difficulties. The Joe Biden position of no negotiation is an insult to every American who believes the time for confrontation is over. We owe it to our children and our country’s future to find a way to work together.

Biden's irresponsible spending is the main cause for hitting the current debt ceiling and the inflation it created has only added to the problem.  It is one of the major faults of the Biden administration along with his irresponsible immigration and border policies. I think the GOP is right to demand a responsible budget framework.


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