The 'white supremacy' canard explodes on the left

 Jennifer Oliver O'Connell:

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial was clearly not about race, and squarely about self-defense and our rights as citizens. Tragically, this did not stop the Left, through their mouthpieces in the legacy media, from trying to insert every racist tropecanard, and false flag into their narrative and commentary as the trial played out. Now that the trial is over, and Rittenhouse has been found Not Guilty on all counts, they are doing their utmost to keep the race train going so that their narrative is not totally destroyed.

From the Washington Examiner:

“The Center for Diversity and Inclusiveness is creating space for our community to process the ‘not guilty’ on all accounts verdict in the Kenosha, Wisconsin case where Kyle Rittenhouse, an Illinois native, shot and killed two people protesting the wrongful death of Jacob Blake in 2020,” the original email read.

My eyes are stuck at the back of my head. These administrators obviously poured milk on stupid the morning they crafted this nonsense. Last we checked, Jacob Blake is alive and well, albeit partially paralyzed after being shot seven times by a police officer, whom Blake attacked with a knife. No death involved, nor did anything wrongful happen. The Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley declined to press charges against the officer involved in Blake’s shooting.

A little less than a week ago, The New York Times wrote a puff profile on Jacob Blake. It would have been a bit hard to do that if he were dead, no?


The Blake shooting had nothing to do with race, and everything to do with police responding to a person with a criminal history of sexual assault who wielded a deadly weapon. This fish wrap of record simply glosses over these facts because the charge was “eventually dropped.” So were certain charges against the men who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse. More on this further down.

So, the racism under every rock crowd needed to create a parallel with the violence and unrest in Kenosha caused by the Blake shooting, and attach it to the Rittenhouse trial. Kyle’s only role in the Kenosha violence was defending himself against men who, had the legacy media bothered to tell the story, would be considered dregs of society. Instead, everyone from Joy Reid, to BLM, to elected officials like the Mayor-elect of New York Eric Adams, have decided it’s a clear case of a systemically racist justice system at work.


There seems to be very little intelligent life on the left.  The left seems tied to a false narrative and refuses to let it go when the facts and the science demonstrates that their narrative is just wrong.  The media and leftist politicians live in an alternate universe unthethered from reality.  

Blake got shot because he acted like an idiot resisting arrest. That idiocy was followed by the idiocy of BLM and Antifa rioting in support of the idiocy.  

Looting and arson in support of idiocy is an absurd reaction.  And assaulting Kyle Rittenhouse was also not a smart move.  We should all be fed up with the left's false assertions of "white supremacy" in a situation that had nothing to do with race.  Those who claim "white supremacy" in situations like this are not credible.  It is becoming another form of racism.

See, also:

Joe Biden owes Kyle Rittenhouse an apology


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