Cubans and Venezuelans not wanted by open borders Biden

 Monica Showalter:

Under Joe Biden's wall-free open-borders policy, pretty much any unvetted person from any country on earth can enter the U.S. illegally and get papers to work for years here so long as they employ the loophole of "claiming asylum." Merits are irrelevant. All they have to do is say the magic words, and it's 'open, sesame.'

Nevertheless, Joe has exceptions: Those would be people from socialist hellholes who may have actual legitimate grounds for claiming asylum. Something is starting to look a little funny with this picture.

Biden has ordered Cubans fleeing totalitarian communism coming in from the high seas to be forced back.

Now, according to Fox News, we learn this:

The Biden administration has reportedly lobbied Mexico to impose restrictions on Venezuelan migrants, amid an increase in those fleeing the brutal Maduro regime coming to the U.S. border in recent months.

Reuters reports that Mexico is now considering tougher entry requirements for Venezuelans, including potentially reviewing records to show that migrants are economically solvent and in employment, and have a return plane ticket.

A Mexican source told the outlet that Washington had lobbied Mexico to slow arrivals from Venezuela, but that Mexico also wanted to make sure migrants were not entering for false reasons.

Fox, citing a Customs and Border Protection source, reports that 47,792 Venezuelans have entered the U.S. illegally in the past fiscal year, up from just over 1,000 in the previous year.


This is more evidence that Biden is trying to import voters for Democrats and he knows Cubans and Venezuelans will not vote for his leftist policies.  He would rather invite terrorists than have someone who rejects the evils of liberalism.


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