Big Tech's abuse of power leads to calls for regulation

 Nihal Krishan:


Public demand across the board has also risen for the federal government to take more antitrust actions.

A majority of people, regardless of political affiliation, says tech giants are too big and should be regulated, according to a poll from earlier this year. Almost half says the government should break up the companies altogether.

Another key element that has pushed Republicans to bash on Big Tech is the content moderation rules of platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, which the GOP says unfairly result in the censorship of conservatives.

Republican leadership in the House and Senate have been highly critical of social media companies for having what they call biased content moderation standards and for censoring content in a lopsided manner that benefits liberals.

Prominent examples of censorship that has hurt conservatives on Big Tech platforms recently include Trump’s widespread social media bans, the suppression of a New York Post story about Hunter Biden before the 2020 election, social media platform Parler being banned by Amazon, Apple, and Google earlier this year, and Google suppressing conservative news outlets in search results in the past few years.


The left-wing "fact-checkers" are responsible for much of the displeasure.  It also looks like tech geeks are making censorship decisions divorced from reality such as censoring the Hunter Biden story to help elect a man who used his family to monetize his office.  So far I have seen little to no remorse from Big Tech about what they did to help elect a corrupt mental cripple to the office of President.  And, did you notice that they never censored the completely bogus Russian collusion hoax?  Their judgment on these issues appears as bad as the mainstream media.


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