Texas primary could move to Feb. 5, 2008

AP/Houston Chronicle:

Texas primary elections would be moved up a month to the first Tuesday in February under legislation unanimously approved by a House committee today.

The measure's supporters hope the earlier primaries will give Texas voters more influence in each party's nomination for president. It must first be approved by the full House and Senate. House Speaker Tom Craddick has said the measure has support in that chamber.

Republicans and Democrats endorsed the proposal, which would make the 2008 primary elections Feb. 5. Under current law, primary elections are held on the first Tuesday of March.

Several other big states, including California and Florida, also are considering moving their primaries to Feb. 5 in 2008. The effect could be replacing the old Super Tuesday in March with a new slate of impact primaries a month sooner.


The local media would probably be the biggest beneficiaries of this move since it should perk up their ad revenues. Somehow, I don't really expect a spike in blog ad revenues from an early primary. Of course, any revenue would probably be considered a spike.

I still can't get too excited about this. Usually the Texas money has gone for ads in the cold state primaries and it is all decided by the time we vote.


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