Democrats blamed for delay of funds

USA Today:

President Bush, renewing his pledge to veto any bill that places a deadline for a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, suggested today that the American public will blame Democrats in Congress if a political stalemate holds up funds for American troops in the field.

"Members of Congress need to stop making political statements and start providing vital funds for our troops," Bush told the National Cattlemen's Beef Association in Washington, and "get a bill to my desk that I can sign into law."

In a key procedural maneuver, the Senate voted 50 to 48 on Tuesday to include in its $124 billion emergency military spending bill a March 2008 timetable for pulling out most of the 141,000 U.S. forces from Iraq.

The Senate is likely to pass the full bill today or Thursday.

With the Easter recess fast approaching, the Senate must first reconcile the bill with a House version, which sets a September 2008 troop-withdrawal deadline, and then send it to the White House.

The Democrats are stabbing the troops in the back with their strategy for defeat. It want be forgotten.


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