Sen. *, a portrait of confusion

Phil Harris:


Senator Hagel is unable to decide if we should carry a big stick or simply lie down and play dead. Senator Hagel does not seem to know, if he wants to be President, is the President, or if we simply do not need a strong President after all.

The following is a snip from an AP news story that I read on the FoxNews website, and it has once again forced me to write about my least favorite subject on earth.

GOP Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a frequent critic of the war, stopped short of calling for Bush's impeachment. But he made clear that some lawmakers viewed that as an option should Bush choose to push ahead despite public sentiment against the war.

"Any president who says, I don't care, or I will not respond to what the people of this country are saying about Iraq or anything else, or I don't care what the Congress does, I am going to proceed — if a president really believes that, then there are — what I was pointing out, there are ways to deal with that," said Hagel, who is considering a 2008 presidential run.

Allow me a few moments to interpret the Senator's comments. Senator Hagel believes that a President, who leads according to principles, rather than by testing the political winds with his moistened finger, is completely off the reservation. Senator Hagel believes that if a sitting President insists that his policy or decision is correct, even though that decision or policy differs significantly with the slobbery spin from the opposition party, the ultimate course of action is to impeach the man.

Perhaps our founders put too much emphasis on the office of President. It seems that Senator Hagel believes that we only need a good listener in the post. Someone who can present the will of the people, as interpreted by major news organizations and their "neutral" journalists. The ideal President should then puff it all up by making flowery speeches, free from tangled tongue and mangled pronunciations.

This perpetual state of confusion reminds me of those who are unsure of their gender identity, and no, I am not saying that the Senator is confused about his gender. What I am saying, is that to know the proper and fundamental roles of the divisions of power in government, and the maximum volume constitutionally given to each voice in the House and Senate, is as fundamental in this country as is ones own gender. In any case, at the very least, I am left with more questions than answers.


Hagel appears to be an example of the Peter Principal rising to greater heights of incompetence. He is a man who was smart enough to have a windfall from an early investment in the cell phone business, and he has used his windfall to get himself elected to the Senate. There he continues to distinguish himself with a misreading of history and misunderstanding of the war in Iraq and our enemies. Now he would like to mislead us out of the war, but the enemy also has a say on how a war ends and they are not going to surrender because Chuck wants to.

Hagel's continued references to the Vietnam war suggest that he did not learn much from his experience there, nor has he learned much about the conflict since the war was over. He would be well served to being with Mark Moyar's Triumph Forsaken. It appears that Hagel wants to recreate the mistakes by Democrats in that war.


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