Iran to release woman captive


The one woman among a group of 15 British military personnel seized by Iran will be freed later Wednesday or Thursday, Iran's foreign minister said, according to media reports.

The woman, identified as sailor Faye Turney, was seized last Friday by Iran along with 14 other British Royal Navy sailors and marines who were conducting a routine inspection of a merchant vessel at the northern end of the Persian Gulf.

"Today or tomorrow, the lady will be released," Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told The Associated Press at an Arab summit he was attending in the Saudi capital Riyadh. CNN Turk also reported his comments.

This is an insult to women in uniform. It also undercuts Iran's case against the men it continues to hold. Why is the woman more innocent than the men if Iran really thinks that they were in Iranian waters? Do they think it is easier to rough up the men than the women? Do they fear world opinion if they rough up the British woman soldier the way they rough up their own women? I expect feminist to protest those insult soon.

The Brits are also freezing bi-lateral business with Iran. They are probably upset by this breach of political correctness too.


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