Sen. * at war with common sense

From the Rush Limbaugh Show:


HAGEL: America finds itself now in a dangerous and isolated position in the world. We are perceived as a nation at war with Muslims.


RUSH: ... He says we are perceived as a nation at war with Muslims? Senator, you are an elected senator. You are one of 100 special people in the world's greatest deliberative body. It is Muslims who are at war with us! Does 9/11 exist in your memory bank, sir? What did we do to cause this? I want Senator Hagel to explain this. What in the world did we do to cause it? He must have the view that if we're at war with Muslims, we must have attacked them at some point. The problem is we didn't defend ourselves against their attacks for 20 years. Now all of a sudden we are, and we've got senators in the United States, from the Republican Party, who are concerned the world thinks that we are at war with Muslims -- and so the only way to make the world love us is to surrender and give up! It was just a few short weeks ago that this very Senator, Chuck Hagel, rejected any concept of a timeline for withdrawal.

By the way, we're going to start a new game on this program, and I'm going to include Senator Hagel in this game. It's called Let's Play "Guess the Religion!" Two stories. The first is a story out of France. There were riots on a French subway yesterday by "youths." Youths rioted. What youths? Who besides militant Muslims are rioting in France? So Let's Play "Guess the Religion!" Here's another story: "Students Held Hostage in the Philippines -- Gunmen who say they have grenades seize group near Manila's city hall. Gunmen demanding improved housing for children seized a busload of day care students and teachers Wednesday as police surrounded the stalled vehicle in downtown Manila. Hostage takers scribbled in large letters on a sheet of paper taped to the bus windshield, they were holding 32 children and two teachers, were armed with two grenades, an assault rifle and a pistol. They said they were demanding improved housing and education for 145 children in a day care center where the incident appeared to have begun."

It would be hard to house kids when they've been blown up. You have to admit that.

So I wonder what religion these people are. "Guess the Religion!" of these "gunmen" in the Philippines. The Philippines is a hotbed for Islamofascism, as well as much of that region of the world. Yet here is the brilliant Senator Hagel suggesting that we are "perceived as a nation at war with Muslims." I'm going to tell you something, folks. You go through life governing your own life on the basis of what you think others think of you, and you are a failure, and you will amount to nothing but a hill of beans. Who wants a hill of beans? You will be nothing, if your whole life is devoted to trying to be everything somebody you respect wants you to be, or somebody you don't even know wants you to be.

He got his * for his place in the Presidential preference polls for candidates getting less than one percent of the vote. This says something about the good judgment of the voters. The man is not very smart and the only people who think he is are liberals in the media who want the Republicans to lose. Nebraska should have the good judgment to defeat in in 2008. He is a man who owes his success to a windfall from an investment in a cell phone business. Democrats would call him a winner in life's lottery. But that is just a financial windfall. It certainly did not make him smarter and he learned little from his experience in Vietnam. I will have more to say about that later.


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