Radicle Islam is a threat to humanity


The footage coming out of Syria is such brutal savagery it’s literally hard to process. This isn’t just killings, this is barbarism. And it has no place in western civilization. Whether it’s Jews in Israel, or Christians in Lebanon, Jordan, or the Congo, what is abundantly clear is that radical Islam is incompatible with civilized nations.
See also:

What is Happening in Syria is Just What Obama and Biden Wanted



t.co/alQfTCKyk2 Trigger Warning: This video contains a direct call to action against the Islamization of America. Some Muslims may find its content difficult to hear. Watch: Top security expert in the U.S. brakes the rules of political correctness Brigitte Gabriel: “The Muslim Brotherhood must be be officially declared a Terrorist Organization.” Do you agree with her? Yes or No?


Dominik Tarczyński MEP
#Syria Islamists are the greatest threat to the world. I’ll fight these sick animals until the final victory. So help me God.


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