Americans weary of Biden's proxy wars

 DC Daily Journal:


As the war in Ukraine continues, the American public’s support for prolonged U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts is becoming more complicated. While the Biden administration has remained firm in its commitment to Ukraine, there has been a noticeable shift in public opinion, with many Americans questioning the effectiveness and costs of continued support for proxy wars.

Recent surveys indicate a growing reluctance among the U.S. populace to endorse foreign military engagements. A poll conducted by YouGov America in 2023 found that 57% of Americans believed the U.S. should not be involved in foreign wars unless directly threatened. Another survey by Gallup in 2024 revealed that only 35% of Americans thought the U.S. should continue to provide military support to Ukraine, down from a high of 47% the previous year. These trends prove a growing sentiment of war-weariness and skepticism regarding the U.S.’s role as the world’s primary military guarantor, especially when the conflict does not appear to directly threaten American interests.

Since the beginning of the Cold War with Russia, the US has been determined to thwart Russian aggression.  But in recent years Russia has been seen as a much weaker conventional power and the wars it is now engaging in further weaken that conventional power.  It should be noted that Putin did not start such wars when Trump was in office for fear of retaliation.  

Russia thought it would overwhelm Ukraine in a matter of days and felt that Biden would not react.  What really happened is that Ukraine exposed the weakness of Russian conventional operations.  When it comes to conventional warfare Russia does not look like much of a threat to NATO countries or the US.


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