Biden tries to shift blame for his border bungle

 Rich Lowry:

The U.S. teeters on the brink of a complete meltdown at the border, and yet the Biden administration is still consumed with blame-shifting and evasions.

Whatever happens at the border must be the fault of the prior administration, Joe Biden’s critics, or circumstances beyond anyone’s control. And no matter how bad things get, it is definitely not in any way a “crisis at the border” — a phrase as taboo at the Biden White House as “black sheep” or “ladies and gentlemen” at Stanford University.

Pancho Villa could ride again and detach a portion of the United States to serve as a safe haven for millions of migrants drawn from throughout the hemisphere and Biden officials would call it a “challenge,” not a “crisis.”

If the famous Mexican revolutionary isn’t going to reappear, when Title 42 — the pandemic-era edict that has become a pillar of border enforcement — inevitably expires, the historic influx of migrants is now only going to swell. Current daily apprehensions are running at an off-the-charts 7,000 a day and could go as high as 18,000.

It’s incredible, but true, that two years into the Biden administration, with Donald Trump 800 miles south of the White House hawking trading cards, Biden officials still point the finger at him.

The other day, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said her boss has been saddled with the “system that was set” by his predecessor. Biden, too, has claimed that he was stuck with “one god-awful mess at the border,” and Department of Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas likes to complain about “inheriting a broken and dismantled immigration system.”

It’s passing strange, though, that the failure of Trump’s approach didn’t become apparent until he left office and his policies were largely dismantled.

There should be no question that Biden did not like Trump's border policies which were working and ordered them changed.  The consequence of Biden's change was to open the border to migrants and drug dealers regardless of whether Biden chooses to call his policy "open borders."  That Biden is trying to pass the buck with bogus allegations against Trump is more evidence of Biden's dishonesty and refusal to take responsibility for his own actions.


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