Congress should be focusing on restraining the religious bigots who rule Iran instead of the President trying to contain them

Washington Post:
Senators blasted State Department officials for holding a closed-door session when none of the information they shared was classified. The House is expected to vote this week on two measures limiting the president’s ability to engage in hostilities against Iran.
Why are members of the Senate trying to protect a regime that goes by the mantra of Death to America?  The President made the world a safer place by taking action against a guy responsible for killing thousands including Americans. 

The reaction on the left in this country to that victory for common sense shows how deep the anti-Trump fever is within the left.  Polls show that the majority of Americans approve of the President's actions against a sworn enemy. 

President Trump has shown no inclination to go to war with Iran, but he is putting pressure on that evil regime to change its ways and push back against its proxy wars against US allies in the region.  Congress should not be doing anything to take the pressure off the current government in Iran.


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