The Democrats disingenuous Social Security arguments

Washington Times:

Pressure is growing on the White House to fire one of President Obama's co-chairmen of his deficit commission after he sent a verbally abusive e-mail to a seniors advocate last week - and opponents warn he had discredited the entire commission's work.

Women's groups, senior citizen advocates and Democratic members of Congress say they are disappointed that the White House has not moved to dismiss former Sen. Alan Simpson after the Republican vulgarly described Social Security and accused the seniors advocate of "babbling into the vapors."

With Democrats already preparing to try to make Social Security cuts an issue in November's elections, the comments have given new life to those who are worried the deficit commission is headed that direction. Democratic candidates already are using Mr. Simpson's remark in fundraising appeals.

The White House did not return messages from The Washington Times seeking comment, but a spokeswoman told reporters last week that Mr. Simpson will not be fired - angering some who should be among Mr. Obama's supporters.

"The problem lurking over all of this is President Obama. I find it deeply disturbing that he has not fired Alan Simpson," Terry O'Neill, president of the National Organization for Women, said Friday. "President Obama should have stepped up and said, 'I know women elected me to this office, and I know Simpson has gone beyond the pale and needs to be removed.' "

Oh come on! It is hard to take these critics serious because they ahve no serious plan for dealing with the disparity between Social Security revenue and payments in future years. Those numbers are going to have to be rationalized and it is clear that it will be politically and practically impossible to impose an 90 percent tax on workers to make Social Security payments.

So far the Democrat response to this problem is to plug their ears and cover their eyes and go bonkers over statements by people like Simpson who is at least serious about dealing with the problem.

It is passed time for Democrats to get serious about this issue. The National Organization for Women is not serious about anything other than making leftist talking points and feigning outrage.


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