Trump border policy supported by the voters

 Daily Torch:

President Trump Is Not Acting Arbitrarily, He Is Executing The Laws As 56% Approve Of Handling Of Border And Immigration. Is He Declaring War On The Drug Cartels?


That includes majorities approving of Trump’s handling of the border and immigration in almost every demographic: 59 percent of men, 54 percent of women, 58 percent of Whites, 45 percent of Blacks, 51 percent of Hispanics, 51 percent under the age of 30, 54 percent under the age of 45 and 57 percent above the age of 45.

And it cuts across party lines to a certain extent, with 51 percent of independents approving, 94 percent of Republicans and 19 percent of Democrats. More Democrats approve than Republicans disapprove — 19 percent to 5 percent — which is the real difference maker in the poll.

The open borders policy of the Democrats is one of the primary reasons they lost the 2024 election.  Voters knew Trump would secure the border. 


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