Hutchison moves ahead of Perry in latest poll

Rasmussen Reports has Hutchison at 40 percent and Perry at 38 percent of support. This is mainly an improvement of Hutchison while Perry support appears about the same.

What was really interesting in the poll was how poorly President Obama polls in Texas.

1* How would you rate the job Barack Obama has been doing as President… do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, or strongly disapprove of the job he’s been doing?

10% Strongly approve

8% Somewhat approve

13% Somewhat disapprove

67% Strongly disapprove

I read that as a 80 percent disapproval rate against a 18 percent approval rate. And, to think, that Democrats spent the past weekend in Texas because they thought it was trending Democrat? I always thought that was pretty far fetched and this poll appears to confirm my view.

It appears that the Perry Hutchison race will be very competitive. They both have high favorable ratings in the survey.


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