Palin remains popular with GOP


Despite a torrent of criticism from the media, Democrats and even some in her own party, Sarah Palin remains the hottest brand name in politics.

Her recent resignation was perplexing. It’s raised doubts about her viability as a potential presidential candidate. Still, she remains extremely popular with the GOP grass roots, and most Republican Party leaders would jump at the chance to have her headline one of their events.

That’s the picture that emerges from interviews with dozens of GOP state and local leaders from across the country.

As part of an effort to gauge Palin’s popularity with the rank and file beyond the Beltway, where the GOP establishment is lukewarm toward the charismatic former governor, POLITICO surveyed nearly 50 prominent Republican Party officials and politicians, representing every region of the country and ranging from statewide-elected officeholders to state legislators to state and county party chairs.

There is much more.

I think she is closer than any other potential candidate to how most Republicans feel about the issues. Most of the criticism of her is eithr personal or by people who oppose the issues she supports. She is the best person in politics today on the energy issue. She supports a strong national security policy that contrast favorably with President Obama and the Democrats who are the candidates of weakness and dithering. She also has shown a knack for framing issues that drives Democrats to distraction.

Her new book, Going Rogue, is scheduled for release in November. This apparently surprised a lot of people who did not think she could produce it so quickly. I like the title. I hope I get a chance to read it.


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