Senators trying to block closing of Gitmo

Washington Times:

Senators again are trying to stop the Obama administration from closing the Guantanamo Bay detention facility by blocking the money needed to transfer the remaining and most notorious prisoners to the United States, Sen. James M. Inhofe said Tuesday.

The restriction is part of the Defense Appropriations Bill now being debated on the Senate floor and would extend similar legislation that expires Oct. 1.

Mr. Inhofe, Oklahoma Republican, supports the bill and thinks it will pass because the 148 remaining prisoners are what he calls "the real bad guys," including accused al Qaeda leader Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

"I think we may be in a (good) position," Mr. Inhofe, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told The Washington Times' "America's Morning News" radio show. "Now that we're down to the real hard-core, you've got to keep that thing open."


The legislation that now blocks the funding and expires in just days is part of the Supplemental War Spending Bill and was written by Sen. Daniel K. Inouye, Hawaii Democrat and chairman of the appropriations committee.


Closing Gitmo was always a bad idea. Obama is finally finding out why, but it has not deterred him so for so the legislation is definitely needed.


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