Palin book already # 1


Two days after the release date of Sarah Palin’s book was announced, it's already become the top seller at both and

Palin’s publisher announced Monday that the former governor of Alaska and Republican vice presidential candidate had finished her memoir, "Going Rogue: An American Life," early and was moving the release date up from the spring to November 17.

A Palin source told POLITICO that she "is very grateful" for the strong early sales.

"This book has taken off like a rocket," the source said.

HarperCollins will print 1.5 million copies for the book’s first run, the same number that was printed for late Sen. Ted Kennedy’s memoir "True Compass."

Kennedy’s book, published earlier this month, currently stands at number six on the Amazon list.

Clearly there is a lot of interest in what Sarah Palin has to say. The book was compiled largely from a journal she kept while campaigning a year ago. I suspect that there is also interest in what her plans for the future hold as well as her positions on the issues. She has been closer than most politicians to where the conservative base is. That and her popularity have to be what is really scaring the left right now.


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