Captured India terrorist from Pakistan

Daily Mail:

Police have captured one of the terrorists behind the Mumbai attack during the operation at the Taj Mahal hotel.

He was named locally as Zakiruallah, a Punjabi from the Pakistan town of Faridkot.

The 12 gunmen involved may have been trained in Pakistan by militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, Indian officials have claimed.

Sources close to the operation said Zakiruallah told investigators that the group had been trained by Lashkar.

But a spokesman for Lashkar denied involvement. The Pakistani government also condemned the attacks.

It is believed the terrorists hijacked an Indian trawler, M V Alpha, which was used as a mothership from which to launch a maritime terror attack on the coastal city.

Indian coastguards recovered the vessel off the Mumbai coast. The decapitated body of its captain was found on board.

Two inflatable rafts were used to transport the men together with massive quantities of RDX explosive, hand grenades and AK-47 assault rifles, to Mumbai.

Police discovered 16lb of RDX outside the Taj Mahal and another 20lb near the Oberoi Trident hotel.

The heavily armed terrorists then fanned out across south Mumbai. One group even hijacked a police van and cruised around the city gunning down bystanders.


The article discounts claims of al Qaeda responsibility, but the Pakistan connection suggest they were in the neighborhood of al Qaeda. The ship was supposed to have come from Karachi in Pakistan. I doubt there is any connection to the government of Pakistan, but the rot of Islamic religious bigotry continues to plague Pakistan.


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