Iran threatens to continue its war against US if we respond

Washington Post:

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, today threatened to harm U.S. interests "anywhere in the world" if the U.S. launches an attack.

"The Americans should know that if they assault Iran their interests will be harmed anywhere in the world that is possible," wire services quoted Khamenei as saying.

The comments continued a stepped up campaign of ever-escalating rhetoric from Iran as the deadline approaches for U.N. Security Council consideration of Iran's refusal to curb its nuclear program in defiance of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA.)

Tuesday, Khamenei said Iran is prepared to begin exporting its nuclear technology while other Iranian officials said the Islamic republic would hide its nuclear program and curtail its oil production if foreign governments took harsh actions against Iran.


Iran has been at war with the US for over 25 years, and our responding to that war should be more than a tit for tat exchange. It should make it impossible for Iran to make war, by destroying its military and its nuke program. She can then share with her friends the consequences of making war against the US.


  1. Merv, have you seen this article? It singled-out Iran three weeks after 9/11.


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