Immigration raid near Washington called "scare tactic"

Washington Times:

Federal agents arrested 14 illegal aliens Thursday in Virginia, drawing criticism from local pro-immigration advocates who say the federal government is using the raids as a scare tactic.
Ernestine Fobbs, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said the agency has in custody 12 illegals who were arrested in a 3 a.m. raid in Leesburg, Va. Two others are awaiting trial before an immigration judge.
"We responded to a request by the Loudoun County Police Department [and] encountered 14 illegal aliens in a van," she said. "We are looking into the possibilities of [it being related] to smuggling. It's an ongoing investigation."
The raid, and word of others like it, sparked panic among local immigrants, advocates said yesterday.
ICE last week arrested nearly 1,200 illegals in 26 states at IFCO Systems North America Inc. plants, following an announcement that the agency would beef up enforcement.
Juan Carlos Ruiz, general coordinator of the National Capital Immigrant Coalition (NCIC), said he received more than 30 complaints about raids on families and day laborers -- four of them "confirmed" -- in Arlington and Herndon, and that he has heard rumors of similar raids that took place in Maryland.
Another raid took place on Columbia Road NW in the District yesterday, he said.
Mr. Ruiz did not say how he confirmed that the raids had occurred. ICE officials said yesterday such raids did not happen.

More panic at the thought of enforcing the law. Shazamm! This is further confimation of the broken window theory of law enforcement. Paying attention to minor violations can lead togreater respect for the law and not only fewer broken windows, but self deportation as the word spreads. Perhaps ICE should give some interviews on Spanish language networks, explaining the law and that it will be enforced.


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