The oily politicians

Debra Saunders:

TV news slays me on the gasoline-price story. For years, cable journalists have reported breathlessly on the certain dangers of global warming and President Bush's refusal to play along with the highly flawed Kyoto global-warming pact. Then, the minute gasoline flirts with the admittedly painful $3 per gallon threshold, it's Armageddon -- but for consumers, not the planet. Suddenly forgotten is the fact that high oil prices may be the only mechanism that can reduce the use of fossil fuels -- the key Kyoto goal.

Then there are congressional Democrats. They never look so happy as when they smell an opportunity to capitalize on bad news. High gas prices? They can blame Bush -- he's an oil guy from Texas.

The best part: Voters probably won't blame the Democrats for high prices, even though they have opposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. If the Dems had agreed to drill in ANWR years ago, there would be a new source of domestic oil to offset the heightened demand for oil in India and China.


If its this obvious why are the politicians looking for another scapegoat? The fact is that they do not have to political will to do what is needed and doing photo ops infront of Exxon stations is more fun. I think I would be doing my photo op in front of a drilling rig and on an offshor platform and say that we need more of this.


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